How To Measure
To order your Stealth Belt you will need 3 measurements.

Step 1
What side of your body is your stoma located on?
Look down at yourself. (Right / Left)

Step 2
What is your body size at the level of your stoma/ostomy in inches?
Measure around your body both above and below your stoma.
Take the average of these two measurements for your body size when ordering. We have even size numbers only. If you are in between sizes go up a size for looser fitting and down a size for tighter fitting. For the best fit please measure at your stoma level without going over your pouch or stoma.
Please measure your body size, in inches, at the level of your stoma. This is usually different from the normal pants measurement.

Step 3
What is the flange diameter of your ostomy bag?
For a 2 piece appliance, measure the diameter from side to side of the plastic ring on the ostomy bag. For a 1 piece appliance, fold down the ostomy bag towards the center to expose the circular edge. Measure from one edge to the other edge.
The video below can help you measure for your flange size.